26/09/2021 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
03/10/2021 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
10/10/2021 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
17/10/2021 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
24/10/2021 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
31/10/2021 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
07/11/2021 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Tallebugera Valley Community Hall , 611 Tallebudgera Creek Road, Tallebudgera, Gold Coast, QLD, 4225, Australia
Kundalini Dance is known to be a white tantric shamanic practice that has the power to rejuvenate the body, clear old stagnant emotional energy, bring insight and clarity into limiting beliefs and support the awakening and integration of higher consciousness. We call it white tantric because we self cultivate sexual energy for the purpose of purification, transformation, and inner union of our masculine and feminine polarities. We call it shamanic because through the assistance of our breath, movement, and sound we enter an altered state of consciousness where we can access clarity, insight, higher wisdom, and healing.
By tapping into the Earth’s magnetic energy, we allow the divine feminine creative force of the Divine Mother to flow through our bodies. As we embody the Cosmic Mother through Kundalini Dance, we open to the field of infinite possibility to co-create with her, as we remember ourselves, reflections of divinity.
Earth longs to merge with her beloved Sky, divine consciousness and source of creation. Meeting in unity and balance, they birth the divine child and awaken a spark of divine ecstasy in every cell of our bodies. Ecstasy is an alchemical force, the embodiment of LOVE. Ecstasy is who we truly are and is our birthright to remember that.
In Kundalini Dance we use the Chakra System to enable us to more easily identify our issues, clear our energy blocks and open new evolutionary pathways at each chakra level. For that reason, I like to say that Kundalini Dance is also a profound journey of self-discovery and self-healing. Is on the Kundalini Dance floor that you have the opportunity to dance all your fears, traumas, wounds, limiting beliefs, old patterns, and karmic knots out of your body. Transforming your pain into LOVE.
After our 7 healing journeys together you will feel your life upgrading, opening to your highest evolution for life, love, and relationships through self-discovery and self-expression.
Feeling the call for Kundalini dance is a deep desire to learn about energy, tantric practices, shamanism, and ecstatic awakening. Kundalini Dance is a transformational process that takes tantric dancing to a higher level.
Awakening Intuition/ Manifest Highest Vision
Awakening Co-creativity with Life
Loose comfy clothes, a cushion, yoga mat, your water bottle, your beautiful self!