Kundalini Dance Series – 8 week transformational journey

Date and Time:

21/05/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

28/05/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

04/06/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

11/06/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

18/06/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

25/06/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

02/07/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

09/07/2023 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Tallebugera Valley Community Hall, 611 Tallebudgera Creek Road, Tallebudgera, Gold Coast, QLD, 4225, Australia

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Total Seats: 375
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About The Events

Kundalini Dance is known to be a white tantric shamanic practice that has the power to rejuvenate the body, clear old stagnant emotional energy, bring insight and clarity into limiting beliefs and support the awakening and integration of higher consciousness. We call it white tantric because we self cultivate sexual energy for the purpose of purification, transformation, and inner union of our masculine and feminine polarities. We call it shamanic because through the assistance of our breath, movement, and sound we enter an altered state of consciousness where we can access clarity, insight, higher wisdom, and healing.

By tapping into the Earth’s magnetic energy, we allow the divine feminine creative force of the Divine Mother to flow through our bodies. As we embody the Cosmic Mother through Kundalini Dance, we open to the field of infinite possibility to co-create with her, as we remember ourselves, reflections of divinity.

Earth longs to merge with her beloved Sky, divine consciousness and source of creation. Meeting in unity and balance, they birth the divine child and awaken a spark of divine ecstasy in every cell of our bodies. Ecstasy is an alchemical force, the embodiment of LOVE. Ecstasy is who we truly are and is our birthright to remember that.

In Kundalini Dance, we use the Chakra System to enable us to more easily identify our issues, clear our energy blocks, and open new evolutionary pathways at each chakra level. Therefore, I like to say that Kundalini Dance is also a profound journey of self-discovery and self-healing. It is on the Kundalini Dance floor that you have the opportunity to dance all your fears, traumas, wounds, limiting beliefs, old patterns, and karmic knots out of your body. Transforming your pain into LOVE.

After our 8 healing journeys together, you will feel your life upgrading, opening to your highest evolution for life, love, and relationships through self-discovery and self-expression.

Feeling the call for Kundalini dance is a deep desire to learn about energy, tantric practices, shamanism, and ecstatic awakening. Kundalini Dance is a transformational process that takes tantric dancing to a higher level.


  • Cultivate your inner life force, your Kundalini Shakti, and learn tantric energy practices to increase creativity and awaken your higher evolutionary potential with or without a partner.
  • Activate your higher evolutionary potential through engaging in chakra alchemy practices that will support you in manifesting your heart’s desires in your intimate relationships and your life purpose.
  • Nourish your heart and experience ecstatic love and intimacy with others, yourself, and the Divine.
  • Clear emotional blockages that are inhibiting your life force, causing you to feel dull, lifeless, and looped in old patterns that no longer serve the full flourishing of your life.
  • Learn how to transform core beliefs: You will be supported in the process of reflection into the past patterns that have been holding you back from manifesting your heart’s desires.
  • Develop your intuitive wisdom that is always aligned to the deeper truth of love.

Week 1


  • We are collectively evolving out of old forms in many root chakra areas – community, home, family, work, money. Our work with the root chakra will support you to focus your highest vision for the highest possibilities of life in these areas.
  • Receive the gift of being able to recognise and open to unconditional support, love, and nurturing from the feminine principle and the earth, Pachamama.

Week 2


  • The sacral chakra primarily governs our sensual energy, our vital life force, and is our inner wellspring of creativity. We will explore our sexuality as a creative evolutionary impulse that transforms and awakens consciousness. We will explore the energetics of tantric sexuality.
  • For women, working with the sacral chakra takes us into the experience of our womb as the keeper of divine feminine wisdom or Shakti. Here lies the seed of our life purpose – our greatest gift that awaits germination.
  • Men access the divine feminine through the sacral chakra and the Hara, the power centre in the lower belly. You will learn ways to self-generate Shakti and access her potent evolutionary energy to cause a breakthrough in your life.
  • Cut chords of attachment with past lovers
  • Receive the 13th Rite of the Womb of the Munay-ki. For women and men who wish to clear the pain and suffering from their lineage – by donation

Week 3


  • Meet your power animal who will assist you in your journey to reclaim your power
  • The solar plexus is intrinsically linked to our sense of personal power. It is the flame that fuels our inspiration and brings our creative energy to fruition.
  • Learn how to access your true power and feel more confident in trusting and expressing your authentic self
  • Discover how to clear emotional energy that has been blocking your true power
  • Engage in processes that will support to gain a deeper awareness and shift the false beliefs around your self-esteem, self-worth and strengthen your sense of true value from within.

Week 4


  • The Heart Chakra is the master key to all personal transformation and healing. The unconditional love of the heart center transforms all past wounds of love, through the heart we generate the healing qualities of self-love, compassion, and higher wisdom.
  • Learn alchemy keys to heal your heart and open to receive both human and divine love.

Week 5


  • Enter the realms of divine love and unity consciousness. Touch into your original Soul Essence.
  • Transform the wounds of separation from the Divine, fear of God, inability to express emotions, and denial of higher dimensions. 
  • Rewrite your thymus chakra myth around your interconnection with all of life and your connection to the Divine. Hold the vision of your capacity to live in the ultimate state of health and well-being.
  • This is the place to cultivate universal healing, compassion and pure white light.

Week 6


  • Awakening Authentic Expression and Reclaiming your Voice.
  • Ecstatically awakening the throat chakra enhances our capacities for authentic self-expression and conscious speech and activates courage, confidence, and deep self-acceptance.
  • Engage in processes to shift the patterns that hold us back from being more fully creatively self-expressed, like self–judgment, fear of rejection, and self-doubt.

Week 7


Awakening Intuition/ Manifest Highest Vision

  • The third eye is the centre of our higher mind, as we activate the third eye we activate states of higher consciousness and clarity of vision and purpose.
  • Learn alchemy keys for activating the pineal gland and developing intuitive capacities.
  • Learn the process of manifesting your highest vision and grounding it into your life.

Week 8


Awakening Co-creativity with Life

  • Our exploration of the crown chakra involves the initiation of the Hieros Gamos, the sacred marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within us. Their union within feels like pure, cellular, ecstatic bliss and lifts our vibration as one with creation.
  • Discover how to become a co-creator with God and embody the divine masculine bringing the clarity of consciousness and divine insight, and strengthen your faith in the goodness of life.


Loose comfy clothes, a cushion, yoga mat, your water bottle, your beautiful self!

Further concessions and payment plans may be available in genuine circumstances. Please contact Patricia to discuss.
Advanced booking required!

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